
Sunday, May 4, 2014

Easter week ~ Come & Gone.....

Hello folks!

The story of my life - I started this blog post the week before Easter and just could not get it finished, for whatever reason/s! I have decided that the pictures are so pretty, I'll share it with you anyway. Please forgive my 'time warp' and enjoy!

'Here we are counting down to Easter weekend already! Seems like it was Christmas just yesterday!

So much has happened already this year but of course, all pales in significance to the arrival of our little Noah!

It has been a good few years since I last brought out my Easter goodies! Truthfully, I've not had any inclination to, until now and this year it felt 'right'. Must be that 'little' person in my life, (smiles). Well, as I'm finding more often these days, I could not find the container they were all stored in. After a huge clean out in the storeroom, which was long overdue, there was still no sign of it, so I left it for a few days. As so often happens when you have been looking for stuff, a couple of days later I walked straight to a cupboard, opened it and there it was! I was so excited that I started unpacking and setting up straight away.

Below are a few pictures of my bits of my  'Easter' and I hope you enjoy looking at them.

All the Bunnies are made my Moz!

These Bunnies too!
I have, over the years, added a new bunny to the collection every Easter, but as mentioned before, I did not have the inclination. I need to get going with the bunnies again - perhaps, get my bear making class busy with them in January, so we will all have at least one ready by Easter each year!

I'll leave you with a gorgeous picture of my darling Noah reading 'My Own Little Easter Story'.'

I hope you all had a Blessed Easter and that the true message of Easter will stay with you all!

Warm Hugz and Blessings



  1. Thanks for sharing these gorgeous pictures Moz! You are so talented!

  2. Thank you for sharing Moz! Love all your gorgeous bunnies, I also displayed the beautiful bunny you made for me this Easter. Noah is so gorgeous and cute - enjoy all the precious moments together!

  3. One sweet little boy. You know of course that little boys are special. I have raised four and they are so very special.

  4. Your little Noah is growing so fast!
    Love your easter goodies Moz ..... That egg merry go round ~ WOW!

  5. Oh Moz, don't you worry my friend, I LOVE bunnies, no matter whether it's Christmas or Easter ;-)
    Amazing how Noah develops, you must be one happy, proud grandma! Hope you're doing fine, sending hugs your
    way, Ira xox
    Ira’s Crea Corner

  6. Aww...what a sweet photo of Noah!
    And, so glad you found your Easter goodies!
    Love the photos! You are so creative!

  7. Super Easter display of your lovely bunnies and a lovely photo of Noah


Please leave a comment. So good to get feed back on my creative endeavours!